She was born in Rome, where she lives and works. In 1993 she got a diploma as goldsmith and wax artist. Since 2006 she has realized her works by cire perdue process and she has started to work with passion to this kind of art. Her themes are always connected to Life and Nature, as a result of search and experimentation. In 2007 she exposed her masterpieces in Arte Hesperia Galley of Pomezia and took part to the collective project “Raduno Artistico Città di Pomezia”. In the same year, she was selected for the 7th Biennale of Rome, on the theme “Women and Goddesses in Enea’s myth”, with awards in the Archeological Museum of Pratica di Mare. “I draw inspiration from Nature’s beauty and its energy, present everywhere. Its equilibrium and harmony is the base of every Life’s expressions. We are a part of this Nature and of the whole Universe. I love to express myself by silver, my favorite material. It represents the Environment: Light and Darkness. Cleaning is the action to serve its Light…”