A journey through contrasts of color and shapes to give life to new ideas.


                                                   Opening: September 05th at 6.30pm

                                                                   September 05 – 19, 2020

                                                                 Calle de Andrés Mellado 55

                                                                           28015, MADRID

Dear artist friends and art lovers. I send you to visit and participate in the cultural event in Madrid .. Due to the virus, we were forced to move the cultural event in Madrid from 5 to 19 September 2020, inauguration at 18.30.

I believe and I hope that until that date the situation of the virus has calmed down and life has returned to normal.

I cordially greet you and art begins to thrive again,

The president of the ARS cultural association,

Elena Ducu

Captaloona Art


 Participating artists:

Vincenzo Armato (Italy); Malek Brodski (Poland); Mariella Costa (Italy); Elena Ducu (Romania); Fulvio Fabi (Italy); Laura Grispigni (Italy); Kinga ŁAPOT-DZIERWA (Poland); Robert Maloszowski
(Poland); Marku Ndue (Albania); Giuseppe Salvatore (Italy); Paolo Solei (Italy);